Additional Services In addition to DHH Itinerant Services we can provide the following:
IEP Development
We assist schools who are facing an educator shortage of qualified, credentialed DHH teachers to review student data & records, collect data, perform assessments when appropriate or review assessment data, write reports and develop compliant IEP’s and goals that address student needs.
Additionally, we can remotely attend IEP’s and also provide lessons and resources for students to meet their individual IEP goals.
Student Services
We have a variety of direct and supplemental student services available.
•Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant Services (Remote)
•Deaf & Hard of Hearing Guest Speaker Program
•Dialogue Journal Partnerships
•Pen Pal Program
•Speech and Language
Family Support
We can provide individual consultation, ongoing education and advocacy services to families of children with hearing loss.
• Communication & Language Development• Birth to Age 3 Support
•Understanding the IEP• Transition Support; FAFSA, DOR, College Applications
Staff Training
We can provide training to support staff, general education teachers and other special education teachers who may be working with students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, but have no prior experience or education with students who have a hearing loss. These trainings are provided as a combination of prerecorded webinar trainings, live Zoom trainings, slide presentations and written materials. Trainings can be general, as well as, tailored to individual students or the specific needs of a district and/or family.
Some common trainings include:
•Communication & Language Development Strategies
•Accommodations and Accessibility
•Scaffolding Lessons
•Modifying Materials
•Deaf Plus Population
• Sign Language
- •Self-Advocacy Skills
- •Hearing Technology
- •Auditory Skills
- • Working with Instructional Aides
- • Working with Educational Interpreters
- • Understanding the Audiogram and Impact of Hearing Loss on Learning
Select the level of support you need• Direct services• Custom trainings & workshops
• Ongoing guidance and support
Create a custom plan of support!